Custom Template #2


DGWork is a flexible shop & business WordPress EDD Theme offering deep integration with Easy Digital Downloads. It’s perfect to create your self-hosted online shop to sell the digital products like software, photography, videos, audios, eBook or graphic design works, etc. Either multi-product sh...

Main Features

Donec vel dapibus massa. Nulla gravida euismod lorem, tempus hendrerit est porta eu. Aenean tortor enim, cursus eget euismod vel, euismod in eros.

Page Builder

After enabled Elementor page builder for the product post, you can customize the product template with front-end editor visually.

Predefined Templates

We include some predefined section templates in the Visual Composer template list that allow you to create different section layouts fastly.

Flexible Layout

You can create complex layout for the custom product template, make the product page looks more like an optmized landing page.

Predefined Templates

We include some predefined section templates in the Visual Composer template list that allow you to create different section layouts fastly.

Splite Section Template

Donec vel dapibus massa. Nulla gravida euismod lorem, tempus hendrerit est porta eu. Aenean tortor enim, cursus eget euismod vel, euismod in eros.

Splite Section

Donec vel dapibus massa. Nulla gravida euismod lorem, tempus hendrerit est porta eu. Aenean tortor enim, cursus eget euismod vel, euismod in eros.

Video Section

This is subheading text example and you can change or remove the video background via row editing


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John Doe John Doe Designer
Praesent feugiat eleifend nisi quis scelerisque. Aliquam sit amet viverra ligula. Ut sed commodo velit. Vivamus venenatis bibendum ante at luctus.
Ane Ane Designer